
Heart is a six month mastermind for fertility practitioners running from July to December 2023 - whether you practice now or if you’re readying yourself to work in this field. Heart will be a distillation of all that I have learnt, reflected on and cultivated in my years as a conception doula and fertility yoga teacher. This will a mentoring space to explore the world of your business and - more crucially - will focus on enabling you to thrive in your business at the levels of nervous system, safety, enjoyment and fulfilment.

Within Heart you will receive nuanced support that will allow your confidence, creativity and inspiration to flourish. Your places of challenge and enquiry will be carefully tended to and nourished in both a small group and individual context. The next intake for Heart will be in 2024


Places we can go…

ethics - our stories, their stories and the delicate interplay - grief tending - rest - selling - your brand - values - relationships - storytelling - creation - perceived failure - burnout - finding your audience - your unique talent fields - the longitude and latitude of building your business - processing - letting go - beginning again - money - sustainability - self enquiry - authenticity - reflection - doubt - imposter syndrome - and everything and anything else we bring to the table

Heart isn’t a top down, instructive experience.

This is an experiential space that invites the expression of all of you.

Through monthly sessions we’ll explore all of it, bespoke to you and the people who gather with you. The joy, the grit, the doubt and success. All of it is welcome in an alchemical space for you to celebrate where you are, strip things back, re-invent and transform. You’ll be supported with great care and thought within an ecology that is co-created to be safe, accepting and deeply nurturing.

Who is Heart for?

This is for any practitioner who is working to support people who are trying to conceive. Yoga teachers, fertility doulas, reflexologists, counsellors, nutritionists, therapists, reiki practitioners, homeopathists, fertility clinic practitioners, fertility coaches, EFT, womb massage, pilates….if this speaks to you it probably is for you.

You might currently know you want to work in this field but you’re yet to choose your area or complete certification - this will be a space to attune to where you are headed. You might have been working in the world of fertility for years or at the very beginning. There is never a wrong time to carve out space for reflection and professional development.

Sessions will be thematic and co-created….

  • July: The Atrium

    We begin. This is a meeting together, a marvelling of where we already are, and a setting the stage and the starting point for reflective, reflexive self enquiry. Summer school, done differently.

  • August: Coherence

    An exploration of ourselves as narrator, the potency and residue of our fertility stories/experiences (whatever they are), the fertility stories of our clients and the tender intersection of the two. A contemplation of why we’re here - and how we look after our clients AND ourselves now that we are.

  • September: Cadence

    A listening in to the rhythms of our business; the pulse. There is a nexus where the essence of our brand, social spaces and nervous system meet - this is our capacity. The cadence needs to feel steady, manageable and rewarding.. that’s where we’ll focus.

  • October: Conscious

    An unpacking of ethics. In the world of the fertility wellness industry, our words matter. How we sell, how we respond, how we show up. We all think about this and here will be a safe place to explore it all.

  • November: Connect

    A remembering that it isn’t enough to want to work in the arena of fertility. You also have to find people who want to work with you. I’ve been holding sold out fertility courses for four years and my one to one bookings sustain my business. It is possible and this is an hour to ask the questions of how we reach a hard to reach audience.

  • December: The Fifth Chamber of the Heart

    Breaking through to the fifth chamber - a pulling together of our heart stories, the places we’ve been and the places we want to linger. A summing up, a closing of the circle…knowing that this is also an opening of everything that is to come.


We will meet once a month from late July to the winter solstice in December, with a time for each month agreed with the group, as far as is possible, I want this to be accessible and fluid and not be confined to a time or day that rules it out for you. Sessions will be one hour long, themed as below but with space to be carved to shape the group that gathers; this matters to me.

We will have a What’s App group where I’ll be there once a week to respond to questions, thoughts and contemplations and where you can peer support each other.

The price for the six months, with six sessions and weekly bite sized mentoring in your pocket is £299. This can be paid in monthly or every other monthly payments of £50 or £100 by arrangement. If you would like to create a bespoke package that includes a 1:1 in addition to this, let’s talk about how that could work (and it will be more cost efficient than buying sessions individually).

what people say about my mentoring

“This lady is absolutely incredible at what she does, holding you wherever you are and letting you just be with kind and gentle support. Honestly I feel so validated and heard after a session with her I always come away with more clarity and empathy for myself.”

I joined Helen's Atelier to focus on a new Substack blog I wanted to create and my writing. I wasn't sure that it was the right kind of thing to take to her workshops, as I thought it had to be a business, but that was an unfounded worry! Everyone in our group had very different creative endeavours, some were businesses, but others not. It also didn't really matter anyway as we all had similar worries and things to work on, regardless of our 'art'. Helen's approach is so grounded, different to any other courses out there (and I have done many when I did have my own business!). She's realistic and doesn't make wild claims of £5k a month offerings that leave you feeling like you've failed when you don't make that money. Everything she teaches is also grounded in what's good for our nervous systems which is SO key in our modern burnout culture. I leave feeling inspired and like my offering/ art/ creation is valid and wanted. Thanks Helen!